Manually Uninstall VMware Tools

I recently had a requirement to remove vmware tools manually from a windows 2003 server. This is what I had to do. Remove any keys with a DisplayName of VMware Tools anywhere in the following keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionuninstall HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareClassesInstallerProducts   Remove the keys with a ProductName of VMware Tools in the following keys HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInstallerProducts Delete the […]

Mounting /tmp and /var/tmp as a separate file system

After installing ConfigServer Security and Firewall, many of us try to achieve as many ‘green’ results as possible. The often tricky one (or two) options to achieve, is mounting /tmp and /var/tmp as ‘separate’ file systems. On a bare metal linux installation (no virtualisation) this is easy to achieve by creating a file system (partition […]

Upgrading PHP on CentOS/RHEL

Click Here if You are Looking for an official ‘CentOS’ repository to perform the upgrade, instead of a compatible repository. Upgrading PHP (from 5.1 to 5.3 for example) on a variety of common RPM based linux distributions (CentOS/RHEL, Whitebox, Fedora, etc) can be a tricky process. After some searching and playing around, I come across […]

Check for a Process and Start It if It’s Not Started (Linux/Unix)

I came across a conundrum some time ago. I have a CentOS Linux based VPS running a few various different ‘processes’ for different purposes. My problem was that from time to time, these processes would stop or die, for whatever reason. Given that I require absolute uptime from these processes (or at least as close […]